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Budget 101: The First Draft of the 2024-25 City of LA Budget

It’s budget time! Every year around this time, the Mayor is required to share a draft of the upcoming year’s city budget (in this case, July 1, 2024-June 30, 2025). What’s in the budget, and how does one even access it? Join LA Forward as we get the rundown and some initial thoughts from Former Councilmember Mike Bonin. Have questions about how our city budget works, or the process by which it is drafted, vetted, and finalized? Submit them in advance at!

In particular, LA Forward community members and allied groups has been organizing around unarmed crisis response and climate justice, so we’ve got SPECIFIC things for you to take action on in these issue areas. Get informed, and let’s win money to make this the city we want it to be! RSVP below, or if the link isn’t working, try THIS.